Day trips, special events and overnight adventures
All kinds of water, many paddling crafts.
Club trips and events take place on flat water, moving water and whitewater. Members paddle tandem and solo canoes, C-1s, hardshell kayaks, inflatable kayaks (IKs), and stand up paddle boards (SUPs).
Typically, throughout the year the club organizes day trips to local rivers on a nearly weekly basis. We also host themed special events like the popular Sweetheart Paddle in February, and we gather for annual overnight excursions, such as the McKenzie Weekend in July and the North Umpqua Weekend in late September.
This is a club that loves to be on the water together.
Where can I find information about upcoming trips?
Members post information about trips to the LCCC Google Group on a nearly weekly basis. The LCCC Google Group is for members only. To join the LCCC and access information about club trips via our Google Group, click HERE. Once you join, the LCCC you’ll be sent an invitation to the club’s Google Group.
When trips are planned in advance, you can find information about them on the club’s Calendar of Events.