Protecting and conserving water resources
Each year the club makes a financial contribution to a river conservation organization.
Congratulations to the Crag Law Center, the recipient of the club’s 2022 conservation award.
An important part of the LCCC's mission is helping club members get involved in protecting and conserving rivers and our water resources.
Oregon leads the nation in the number of rivers with protection under Wild and Scenic Rivers laws. The Lower Columbia Canoe Club has played a significant role in gaining Wild and Scenic designation for those rivers. The work continues with new sections of rivers being considered for Wild and Scenic protection.
Just as important as gaining protection for rivers is the hard work of maintaining fair access to Oregon rivers by all citizens. To help, the LCCC makes an annual financial contribution to worthy conservation and access efforts.
While every river is unique, the goal of the LCCC is to assure clean, free-flowing rivers. We also support efforts to restore native salmon runs. The LCCC generally supports the least restrictive management plan that protects river quality and accessibility.
The LCCC believes that everyone has a right to enjoy our rivers. For that reason, we do not oppose commercial outfitters guiding people who lack the skills to run rivers on their own. On the other hand, when access to a river is limited, the LCCC believes everyone should have the same chance to get on the river. We support management schemes that do not favor one group over another.
Club members are encouraged to write political leaders to make sure that laws and regulations promote the goals of protecting river quality and water quantity.
LCCC trip participants always pack out everything we take on any river outing. Club members also frequently volunteer to help clean up trash from sections of rivers left by less considerate users. It's one way to visibly demonstrate our commitment to conserving and restoring the quality of Oregon rivers.