Improve your paddling
Improve your paddling with classes and clinics.
We offer skill-building clinics and progression classes tailored to member needs. Oftentimes, our more experienced club members conduct the classes and clinics. Other times we partner with professional instructors.
How can I stay in the loop on upcoming classes?
The absolute best way to stay in the know about LCCC courses is to be a member! The second best way is to keep your eye on the LCCC calendar. We’ll post courses there as soon as they are scheduled.
Reduced cost courses
As a benefit of membership, the LCCC offers clinics at a reduced cost to members, often as much as 50% off standard rates. You must be an LCCC member to participate in the clinics listed below.
Swiftwater Rescue Course 2025
Lead Instructor: Lee Baker (Gradient River Essentials LLC)
Course Dates: Saturday, August 9 – Sunday, August 10
Pre-Course Orientation and Welcome Campfire (optional): Friday, August 8 at 9 PM
Cost: $155 (for LCCC or WKCC members)
This ACA Swiftwater Rescue Level 4 course is offered in collaboration with Lee Baker of Gradient River Essentials LLC. In this course participants will learn the fundamentals of rescue.
Check out the details and Sign Up below.
LCCC Clinics, Courses and Special Events
Dates: Throughout the year the club offers a variety of clinics, courses and other special events.
Where: In the beautiful Pacific Northwest (PNW). Mainly on rivers or at locations that are close to Portland, Oregon.
Instructors: Top notch local, domestic and international instructors.
Description: The club offers kayaking, canoeing, SUP’ing, pack-rafting, Swiftwater Rescue and other water related clinics.