On WATER (Part 2)

By Wesley Hansen

In a previous article I briefly discussed the history of so-called para-psychological research, with emphasis on the Psychophysical Research Laboratories protocol, and the empirical evidence for telepathy, including the preliminary but successful use of fMRI in the search for neural correlates. This established the existence of some anomalous form of information transmission. In this article, I will present additional empirical data which shed light on the possibly peculiar properties of this anomalous mechanism and then propose an actual mechanism. 

In 2012 there appeared a meta-analysis of Pre-stimulus response experiments published in the Frontiers in Psychology Journal, Predictive physiological anticipation preceding seemingly unpredictable stimuli: a meta-analysis. This meta-analysis consists of 26 experimental reports produced from 1978 to 2010 and shows that the human heart and brain become aware of perceptual stimuli 2 to 18 seconds prior to that stimuli occurring in spacetime. All of the experiments in that meta-analysis used “classical” random event generators, either psuedo or truly, i.e. computer generated or, for example, electronic noise generated. Inspired by that meta-analysis, a team at UC Santa Barbara replicated one specific protocol using a quantum-random event generator and they analyzed their preliminary results - 8 samples, in order to present at an American Institute of Physics conference in 2017, Quantum Retrocausation III. Their paper , which I will quote a bit from, is Prediction of truly random future events using analysis of prestimulus electroencephalographic data:

“Experimental work on physiological retrocausality appears to be obtaining positive results (1). To better understand the nature of physiological retrocausality, we are conducting an experiment on electrocortical evoked potentials using EEG. If the human brain responds to truly random stimuli which occur in the future of a measurement, it could be considered evidence of a retrocausal effect. Because the stimuli are selected using a quantum process, according to standard quantum mechanics no information about the upcoming stimulus should exist prior to the time of wavefunction collapse.”

Granted there’s only 8 samples here, but these eight quantum-randomly generated experiments are backed up by more than 1500 samples generated by 44 different experiments using classical randomly generated events. The additional 18 reports were analyzed in a meta-analysis published in SSRN, Predictive Physiological Anticipation Preceding Seemingly Unpredictable Stimuli: An Update of Mossbridge's et al. Meta-Analysis, in early 2018; this meta-analysis was conducted by individuals other than the Mossbridge et. al. team.

So there’s really no way to rationally deny the existence of these phenomena. And by retrocausal they mean an effect preceding in time its cause; this leads us to the quantum phase waves.

Historically, we began with the hydrogen spectrum and a few simple formula for calculating spectral lines. Neils Bohr explained these lines conceptually with quantized energy levels for orbiting electrons, but failed to provide a mechanism enabling these discrete orbits. Louis de Broglie provided the mechanism with his matter waves: the idea that massive particles, similar to massless photons, have a pilot wave associated with them.  The mechanism is constructive and destructive wave interference. If the radius of an orbit does not enable constructive interference, then the waves quickly self-destruct via destructive interference; hence, only those radii which enable constructive interference – standing waves, are allowed. But this leads directly to quantum phase waves:

 Here, the boundary of what is labeled “wave group aspect” is de Broglie’s pilot wave and the actual “wave group aspect” represents the phase waves. If you’ve ever been out on the ocean, in a kayak or something similar, then you know that waves come in groups which are nested within a larger wave; this is analogous to that. It can be quite easily shown, mathematically (see also), that the velocity of the wave envelope – the pilot wave, venv, is equal to the velocity of the particle, vp, and the velocity of the wave group or phase, vg, conforms to 

vg = c2/(venv)2 = c2/(vp)2

and since, by Relativity, vp = venv < c, vg > c, always, and these phase waves are superluminal. But these waves are providing information to the particle/pilot wave system which lowers the entropy, seemingly in violation of Relativity. To circumvent this, Tiller, mentioned in the previous article, postulates the existence of a coupling field he calls the deltron moiety. This moiety can interact with entities moving at both super-luminal and sub-luminal velocities and the degree of coupling depends on the density of this moiety, indicated mathematically by his alpha variable. The coupling is between two distinct spaces, our ordinary distance/time dependent spacetime and a frequency (wave) space, which does not appear to be distance/time dependent. Tiller has demonstrated experimentally, that this frequency space is a magneto-electric (moving magnetic charges induce an electric field) information domain. But it is really the deltron moiety which is responsible for what Tiller refers to as macroscopic information entanglement – distinct from quantum entanglement; Dr. Tiller calls this the “true pilot” in the particle/pilot wave construct and it demonstrates a key component of consciousness, that is, the ability to manipulate information.

Macroscopic information entanglement indicates that one cannot fully isolate sub-systems from other sub-systems in an experimental set-up. You have to treat the set-up as a holistic system. Key to this, each sub-system is entangled with the others, not only spatially, but temporally as well. This is not well understood, but it appears to be what we are seeing with these prestimulus/precognitive experiments. It’s a short leap, indeed, from this to psychokinesis and dancing with a 60,000 cfs flowing river!

Tiller’s goal was to refute the unstated assumption is that “no human qualities of consciousness, intention, emotion, mind or spirit can significantly influence a well-designed target experiment in physical reality”. 

The key experimental step needed to confirm the operational nature of psychoenergetic science was to unequivocally prove, via a series of human intention experiments, that in today’s world the unstated assumption of orthodox science is quite wrong!

Our various steps in the four groundbreaking experiments were (a) to carefully design four different intention experiments:

  • To increase the acid/alkaline balance (pH) of a specific type of water by pH = +1.0 pH units (a factor of 10 decrease in hydrogen ion, H^+, content of the water) with no chemical additions to the system,

  • to decrease the pH of this same type of water by pH = −1.0 pH units with no chemical additions to the system,

  • to increase the in-vitro thermodynamic activity of a specific liver enzyme, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), by a significant amount (~30% for example) by simply exposing a vial of this ALP to a highly “intention-conditioned” experimental space for about 30 minutes and

  • to increase the in-vivo ratio of ATP/ADP in the cells of fruit fly larvae by a significant amount as a result of lifetime exposure of the larvae to a highly “intention-conditioned” experimental space.

These experiments were all successful  and the pH experiments were peer-replicated, in a couple of instances indicating macroscopic information entanglement across rough terrain, the Atlantic Ocean, and over distances of 5,000 – 6,000 miles. 

Finally, consider the inverse of the Lorentz factor used to relate inertial frames in Relativity:

1/γ = √(1 – v2/c2

We find this hidden in the relationship between the pilot wave and its phase wave, for:

1/vg(vg – venv) = 1 – (venv)2/c2

the square of the inverted Lorentz factor!


On WATER (Part 1)