This is a chance to share river running with your newbie buddy—in a supportive group.
Here's the idea.
On August 17 we’ll do a short, easy river trip intended to help folks try out a closeby whitewater run (the bottom Clack for those who know). The goal is to help folks get started and figure out how it's done. We’ll be focussed on the nuts and bolts of river running, including launching as a group, reading water, maneuvering, staying together, helping each other, and shuttling at the end. River running is a cooperative sport: we need each other.
Here's the catch:
Every first timer needs an experienced "buddy" who is a club member.
Paddlers shuttling along the Trinity River in California
A buddy has several jobs, including:
1. Get them to sign the LCCC waiver, here. (And make sure yours is current.)
2. Make sure your first timer is properly equipped. Virtually any craft will do, but make sure your buddy has what they need including a life jacket, helmet if in a decked boat, suitable clothing for whatever weather we have (and cold water as always), and solid footwear that will not come off in a swim.
3. Make sure they are familiar with their equipment and it is functional. A flatwater outing is a good test.
4. Help them get to the meet location on time with all their gear.
5. Come with them on the river and be their buddy for the whole run.
6. Help them get their equipment back where it needs to go.
If you are a willing buddy without a first timer:
Please let me know you’re willing to support someone.
If you are a first timer without a buddy:
Claim any experienced club member that you trust to be your buddy.
If you are a 2nd-10th timer:
You're welcome to join provided you can 100% show up on time with all the right gear and a cooperative attitude. You may find this day very easy/short/basic (boring?). It’s really a familiarization run for folks who’ve never tried it.
To join, please RSVP to Teresa no later than the day before.